Classification of Amphibia
The Amphibians are divided into three orders. The classification of amphibia is given below:
Apoda (Gymnophiona or Caecilia)
Apoda means “without legs”.These are limbless organisms with scales on their body.
They are also known as “blind-worms” because their eyes are covered by skin or bone.
The tentacles on their head are the chemosensory organs that help them to detect the underground prey. Eg., Caecilians
They possess venom glands.
They secrete mucus to reduce water loss.
Urodela (Caudata)
These are the organisms with a tail.
The body is elongated with four equally sized limbs.
The skin is smooth with poison glands.
Fertilization is internal.
They feed on insects and worms. Eg., Salamanders
They are found under leaf litter, in the soil, or in water.
In the southern US, they reproduce primarily in winters.
Very little differences between male and female.
Spermatophores are utilized for internal fertilization.
They possess hidden gills.
Anura (Salientia)
There are around 3400 species of Anura in the world.
They have four limbs. The front limbs are elongated and modified to jump.
The head and trunk are fused together.
The tail is present only in the larval stage and is lost in the adults.
Fertilization is external and the eggs are laid in water. Eg., frogs and toads.