What are the main teachings of Islam?


  • Start with discussing the Prophet's preachings.
  • Then, explain the main teachings of Islam.
  • And, lastly, mention the important messages preached about the need for charity.
Prophet Muhammad spread the teachings of Islam. Some of the important teachings he preached are as follows:​
  1. There is no other God other than Allah; Muhammad is his prophet, and that God should not be worshipped in the form of any idol. ​
  2. All Muslims are servants of God and therefore everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah. ​
  3. All Muslims should pray, recite the Namaz five times a day facing the direction of the Kabba. They should also fast during the month of Ramzan. ​
  4. Muhammad asked all Muslims to give compulsory charity or zakat to the poor and take the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in their life. ​
  5. Islam prohibits eating of pork, consumption of alcohol and not practice money-lending.

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