Write a short note on the emergence and teachings of Christianity


Instructions: The answer to this question can be broken into 2 main parts:
  • Discussing the emergence of Christianity.
    • Emergence
    • Place of emergence
  • Explaining the teachings of Jesus Christ.
    • Love and equality
    • Message to not follow the practice of tit for tat.
  • The religion of Christianity emerged in the present-day regions of Israel and Palestine after the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus Christ was born around 2000 years ago in Bethlehem.
  • He preached equality among all human beings and emphasised the importance of love, compassion, and peace.
  • He believed that even an enemy could be won over simply with the help of love and asked people to refrain from practising ‘tit for tat’.
  • The teachings of Jesus Christ have been described in the Bible, which is the holy book of the Christians.

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